Boards & Committees
The City of Johnstown welcomes citizen participation through the establishment of various boards and committees. This system is one of the most effective ways for citizens to influence city policies and activities. Most boards consist of volunteered members who must receive a mayoral appointment, with council approval. If you are interested in serving, please send a letter of request to the Mayor. [email protected]
Current Board Vacancies:
Current Board Vacancies:
Board of Assessment Review
The Board of Assessment Review shall be constituted as provided for in the Real Property Tax Law and shall possess all the powers and perform all the duties as conferred by the Real Property Tax Law. This board consists of five (5) members, each with a five (5) year term.
Term Expiration
Christopher Houtz
Lindsay Hinkle Cathy Levee Kathryn Cabrera Leslie Buggelin Bosworth Liaison to the Assessment Board; Scott Miller |
9/30/2027 9/30/2028 9/30/2025 9/30/2024 |
Fulton Railroad PropertIES
Bradley Hayner
Eric Parker
Scott Jeffers
Eric Parker
Scott Jeffers
Joint Sewer Board
The sewer board consists of six (6) members; three (3) representatives from the City of Johnstown and three (3) representatives from the City of Gloversville. These members are appointed by the mayor, with council approval, and serve a three (3) year term. For more information about the Joint Sewer Board, contact the Gloversville-Johnstown Wastewater Treatment Facility.
Term Expiration
Christopher J. Vose
John Rizzo Eric Parker Liaison to the Joint Sewer Board; Eric Parker |
12/31/2026 12/31/2024 |
Planning Board
Among the planning board's many powers and duties, its chief objection is to prepare or administer a plan for the growth and development of the city. It is made up of two (2) members who are officials of the city and five (5) who do not hold any municipal office. All members are appointed by the mayor with council approval and serve a three (3) year term, except the two officials whose term ends with that of the appointing mayor. Should a matter be required to appear before the planning board, a meeting will convene on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 4:00 pm in the Council Chambers in City Hall.
Should you wish to view the Minutes or Agendas for the Planning Board please visit: Planning Board
Should you wish to view the Minutes or Agendas for the Planning Board please visit: Planning Board
Term Expiration
Peter Smith, President
Terri Easterly Elizabeth Camarra Roberta Thomas Chandra Casline Cotter Chris Vose (City Engineer) Michael M. Albanese (City Attorney) Liaison to the Planning Board: Scott Jeffers |
3/31/2025 3/31/2025 3/31/2027 3/31/2026 12/31/2025 12/31/2025 |
Plumbing Board
The Examining Board of Plumbers investigates and examines the qualifications and fitness of each applicant for a license to engage in the trade, business or calling of plumbing for the City of Johnstown. All members are appointed by the mayor with council approval and serve a three (3) year term.
Term Expiration
Bruce Heberer
Christopher Vose David Hoover Richard Palsgraf -vacant- |
12/31/2020 12/31/2020 12/31/2020 |
Senior Center Board of Directors & Board
Members of the Senior Center Boards are appointed by the Director of the Senior Center. For more information about the Senior Center and its board, please visit Shirley J. Luck Senior Citizens Center.
Board of Directors
Members of the Board
Marilyn Muzzi, President
Helen Abel, Vice President Cathy VanAlstyne, Secretary Russ Barter, Auditor |
Shirley Taylor
Betty Burchell Marguerite DeMagistris |
John Frederick
Atty. Spring |
Zoning Board of Appeals
The Zoning Board of Appeals is charged with carrying out the requirements delegated to it by the City of Johnstown’s Zoning Ordinance , including but not limited to: interpreting the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance, reviewing actions of the Code Enforcement official, and the granting or denial of special permits or variances. Should a matter be required to appear before the Zoning Board of Appeals, a meeting will convene on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 3:45 pm. in the Council Chambers in City Hall.
Should you wish to view the Minutes or Agendas for the Zoning Board of Appeals please visit: Zoning Board of Appeals
Should you wish to view the Minutes or Agendas for the Zoning Board of Appeals please visit: Zoning Board of Appeals
Term Expiration
Robert Gallt
Daniel May Judy Swatt Pamela Hammer Robert Salamack |
3/31/2027 3/31/2027 3/31/2026 3/31/2027 |