Fire Department
In Case of Emergency: Dial 911
The City of Johnstown fire department is committed to the protection of life, property and the environment. As an emergency response and community service organization our goals are to limit the risk of fire, to limit injury and property damage associated with fire, explosions, hazardous materials incidents, storms or other natural and technological emergencies; to prepare City forces for disaster response, and to better prepare the community for self help in the event of a major disaster.
Chief: Larry O'Regan
P.O. Box 160 244 North Perry Street Johnstown, New York 12095 Non-Emergency: (518) 736-4079 [email protected] |
HISTORY - Serving Johnstown Since 1808
The Johnstown Fire Department was formed on a volunteer basis on April 1, 1808. By December 1808 there were 24 appointed volunteer firemen.
1809 - The first Hand Engine House was built and Ladder, Hooks & Spuds were bought.
September 9, 1809 - It was the duty for every freeholder to form in line at a fire under penalty of $2.00 fine. To distinguish the Trustees at a fire they were to wear a white scarf over the right shoulder to the left hip.
May 27, 1809 - The first Hook Spud & Ladder Company was formed.
February 11, 1811 - Old ladders sold and new ones bought.
August 5, 1820 - Captain of Fire Company ordered men out to try hand Engine
January 4, 1822 - Engine hose ordered sold. It was sold for $15.00. Peter McKie was Captain of the Fire Company
May 15, 1824 - The Electors of the Village at a meeting at the Court House directed the purchase of a new Hand Engine for $500.00
December 2, 1836 - It was ordered to sell the old Hand Engine.
May 10, 1837 - The first Fire Committee was appointed.
August 19, 1850 - Engine House was built on South Market St. A lot was bought from D. Edwards for $175.00 on William St.
September 5, 1862 - Engine Company presented Lieutenant J.J. Buchanan with Sword Sash and Belt, before going for the front.
December 5, 1862 - Five members of Engine Company enlisted for the Army. They were made Honorary Members.
December 12, 1862 - Engine Company turned out to attend Daniel Gustin’s funeral of the 153 Regime N.Y.S.U.
April 25, 1866 - A new Hand Engine bought for $500.00 and the first Chief was appointed V.N. Clark.
April 25, 1866 - A new Hand Engine bought for $500.00 and the first Chief was appointed V.N. Clark.
June 23, 1868 - Exemption was given to Firemen on Property.
August 21, 1876 - Room was rented in Kennedy Building for Fire Department for $75.00 a year.
October 16, 1877 - Water System was voted.
August 30, 1878 - Water System first used by fire department and Fire Department reorganized with 5 Volunteer Companies: Independent Bucket Co, Tryon Hook and Ladder, W.S. Northrup Hose Co., W.S. Northrup Bucket, and R. P VanWinkle Engine Co.
July 24, 1879 - New Engine House built on William St.
May 24, 1884 - New Hook & Ladder Truck bought
May 8, 1889 - Election to vote on first Fire Alarm System. It was carried.
April 20, 1891 - Decker Hose House built.
December 18, 1893 - First horse used to draw Hose Wagon. Thompson Morgan and Eugene Jansen were the first paid Firemen, as driver and electrician.
January 22, 1894 - Horses first used to draw Hook & Ladder Truck
October 1, 1902 - New Seagrave Hook & Ladder bought.
December 8, 1908 - Firemen of Johnstown celebrated the 100th Anniversary of a Volunteer Fire Department
May 20, 1915 - Motor replaces horses for Hose Truck
August 1, 1917 - Decker Hose Company disbanded the last company to use Hose Carts. Motor replaces Hose Cart.
May 1928 - New Seagrave Pumper was installed in Department.
April 30, 1930 - The Northrup Hose Co. and the Nol and Tryon Hook & Ladder Co. No 1 were disbanded. A full paid department replaced the Volunteer service. The new department remained in its William St headquarters with one outpost station on North Perry St.
November 15, 1937 - City purchased a new Ward LaFrance Combination Hook & Ladder & Pumper.
1970 - The department was consolidated into one station at 244 N. Perry St at which time the department consisted of 26 full time paid firefighters and 10 paid “call men.” The call men are utilized on an emergency basis and paid for time worked along with a small yearly salary.
1974 - Hand Engine that was purchased on April 25, 1866 was restored and is still in the position of the Johnstown Fire Department.
The Johnstown Fire Department was formed on a volunteer basis on April 1, 1808. By December 1808 there were 24 appointed volunteer firemen.
1809 - The first Hand Engine House was built and Ladder, Hooks & Spuds were bought.
September 9, 1809 - It was the duty for every freeholder to form in line at a fire under penalty of $2.00 fine. To distinguish the Trustees at a fire they were to wear a white scarf over the right shoulder to the left hip.
May 27, 1809 - The first Hook Spud & Ladder Company was formed.
February 11, 1811 - Old ladders sold and new ones bought.
August 5, 1820 - Captain of Fire Company ordered men out to try hand Engine
January 4, 1822 - Engine hose ordered sold. It was sold for $15.00. Peter McKie was Captain of the Fire Company
May 15, 1824 - The Electors of the Village at a meeting at the Court House directed the purchase of a new Hand Engine for $500.00
December 2, 1836 - It was ordered to sell the old Hand Engine.
May 10, 1837 - The first Fire Committee was appointed.
August 19, 1850 - Engine House was built on South Market St. A lot was bought from D. Edwards for $175.00 on William St.
September 5, 1862 - Engine Company presented Lieutenant J.J. Buchanan with Sword Sash and Belt, before going for the front.
December 5, 1862 - Five members of Engine Company enlisted for the Army. They were made Honorary Members.
December 12, 1862 - Engine Company turned out to attend Daniel Gustin’s funeral of the 153 Regime N.Y.S.U.
April 25, 1866 - A new Hand Engine bought for $500.00 and the first Chief was appointed V.N. Clark.
April 25, 1866 - A new Hand Engine bought for $500.00 and the first Chief was appointed V.N. Clark.
June 23, 1868 - Exemption was given to Firemen on Property.
August 21, 1876 - Room was rented in Kennedy Building for Fire Department for $75.00 a year.
October 16, 1877 - Water System was voted.
August 30, 1878 - Water System first used by fire department and Fire Department reorganized with 5 Volunteer Companies: Independent Bucket Co, Tryon Hook and Ladder, W.S. Northrup Hose Co., W.S. Northrup Bucket, and R. P VanWinkle Engine Co.
July 24, 1879 - New Engine House built on William St.
May 24, 1884 - New Hook & Ladder Truck bought
May 8, 1889 - Election to vote on first Fire Alarm System. It was carried.
April 20, 1891 - Decker Hose House built.
December 18, 1893 - First horse used to draw Hose Wagon. Thompson Morgan and Eugene Jansen were the first paid Firemen, as driver and electrician.
January 22, 1894 - Horses first used to draw Hook & Ladder Truck
October 1, 1902 - New Seagrave Hook & Ladder bought.
December 8, 1908 - Firemen of Johnstown celebrated the 100th Anniversary of a Volunteer Fire Department
May 20, 1915 - Motor replaces horses for Hose Truck
August 1, 1917 - Decker Hose Company disbanded the last company to use Hose Carts. Motor replaces Hose Cart.
May 1928 - New Seagrave Pumper was installed in Department.
April 30, 1930 - The Northrup Hose Co. and the Nol and Tryon Hook & Ladder Co. No 1 were disbanded. A full paid department replaced the Volunteer service. The new department remained in its William St headquarters with one outpost station on North Perry St.
November 15, 1937 - City purchased a new Ward LaFrance Combination Hook & Ladder & Pumper.
1970 - The department was consolidated into one station at 244 N. Perry St at which time the department consisted of 26 full time paid firefighters and 10 paid “call men.” The call men are utilized on an emergency basis and paid for time worked along with a small yearly salary.
1974 - Hand Engine that was purchased on April 25, 1866 was restored and is still in the position of the Johnstown Fire Department.